Tuesday 7 July 2015

Potato bake

This is a very simple dish to make that is also a sure winner on so many fronts: looks, taste, cost, ease.
Start off by boiling a few potatoes. I leave them whole and then cut them afterwards, in that way they don't break apart in the pot. If you'd prefer the more rustic version to this recipe, use small potatoes, leave the skins on and boil whole.
Once the potatoes are in the pot, cut up a large onion as well as a clove or garlic and fry these in a little butter until soft and transparent.
Next, cut up some salami (optional) and set aside. Also, grate some cheese for garnish.
And the final ingredients: in a bowl, beat two eggs, add salt, black pepper to taste, as well as some cream.
Now to pull it all together: cut the cooked potatoes into thick slices and arrange in an oven-proof dish. After the first layer, sprinkle some of the salami as well as some of the braised onions. Repeat this layering process until all the ingredients have been used up. Now pour the egg mixture on top and finally, cover with cheese. Bake in the oven for about ten minutes (keeping in mind that almost everything is already cooked) and finally place under the grill to brown the cheese. Enjoy.
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