Wednesday 27 May 2015

Veggie soup

They say that necessity is the mother of all invention and I agree. When you open that fridge in the evening and there's "nothing" there, it's time to get creative. And thus is born my veggie soup. The ingredients, as you can well imagine, are dependent on what is in the fridge and for this particular occasion I used carrots, spring onions, onion, celery, green peppers, garlic, parsley and carrots. Just about any hard veggie will do.
Dice everything up as small as you can, add to a pot and add lots of water as well as salt and pepper to taste. Then boil away. The water will evaporate, leaving your soup quite thick. Add more water to achieve the consistency you desire.
Once all the veggies are soft your soup is ready. A final step (optional) is to blend everything together with a hand-held blender. If the resulting mixture is too thick, add milk to give it a creamier taste.
Follow me on Instagram: johncavernelis
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