Sunday 5 April 2015

Mini potato bakes

This simple invention is a take on the traditional potato bake, but the miniature version. I used my small muffin baking trays for these. Feel free to experiment as you see fit.
Peel three normal sized potatoes and cut up into small cubes (about 1cm) and boil until almost done. Drain the water and allow to cool.
Once cool, spoon the potato cubes into the muffin holders, filling about halfway. Do not press them in. I added some diced ham to each muffin cup (optional) as well as some finely grated cheese. Now add more potatoes until the muffin holder is full and actually overflowing a little bit.
In a jug, beat one or two eggs, add some cream and slowly pour into the muffin holders, until the liquid gets to the top. Make sure that it seeps into all the spaces.
Now bake in the oven until the liquid mixture stiffens up. Turn out and serve.
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