Saturday 4 April 2015

Prawn rice

To the untrained eye, this dish might resemble the Spanish paella. And to be fair, it gets there with one exception: it is much easier to make. My sister, Linda, is my source on this recipe but it is my niece, Julia, who has become our family's expert at preparing this dish. Thank you to you both.
Prawn rice is generally prepared on special occasions, Easter being one of these events. Normal white rice, with two teaspoons of tumeric, is cooked a day in advance and allowed to dry out thoroughly.
Onion, green, red and yellow peppers are cut up into even-sized cubes and friend in butter until almost soft.
All seafood, and the options are extensive (prawns, calamari, mussels, etc) are defrosted well in advance so that all excess moisture can be extracted from them. The different ingredients are then fried separately in butter with garlic. I like to add some sweet paprika to mine but a hotter option is readily used. Once all the parts are done, everything is assembled in a deep dish: rice first then peppers and onions mix and this is mixed through. Lastly, the seafood (except the big tiger or king/queen prawns which are used for decoration) is gently stirred into the rice. The prawns are placed on the top.
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