Saturday 4 April 2015

Winter garden (updated)

Once I had done all the manual labour of getting the ground ready (as well as a few special projects - more details soon), I had to get the seeds planted. And there is really no better labour force than my own kids. I have found that the benefit of getting them involved is more than just the half hour that they are engaged in the actual work. When the plants start to grow, they take an ownership in it and even enjoy the eventual harvesting and eating of these veggies. A win-win situation all round.
With this long-term plan in mind, we sat down and drew a "map" of the garden (which is a bit worse for wear by now) and then set off to plant the seeds. The kids sprinkled the seeds over the allotted and then stepped on them while sprinkling more soil on top. By this stage I was starting to question my parenting skills in getting them involved!!
Three days ago I made some of my chilli sauce and I kept all the stalks, excess seeds and all the unusable chillis. All of these I now mixed into a bucketful of soil which in turn I stuffed into a PVC drain pipe that I had previously drilled holes into. This "structure" was then hung about 20cm off the ground. The logic being that when the seeds germinate, they would seek out the holes to get to the sunlight. (Note to self: I hope this works). I did the same thing with parsley and lettuce seeds.
This post will be updated soon (I hope ...).
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