Friday 26 June 2015


This is a very yummy and versatile Spanish dish that can be eaten warm or cold, with or without all the extra trimmings.
What it is, in effect, is deep fried potato chips that is cooled and then combined with eggs to make a kind of omelette.
Peel potatoes and cut into small cubes. Deep fry until crispy. Remove from the oil and allow to drain and cool.
Meanwhile, take eggs (I used 5) and beat in a jug. To this I added the following: one small onion, finely diced, chopped parsley, salt, pepper, paprika and a teaspoon of baking powder. Other alternatives could be diced chorizo colorado (typical in the Spanish version) or diced ham. Really, the extras will personalise this recipe for you.
Now mix the egg mixture with the potato chips and turn out into a non-stick pan, moving around with a spatula. After a little while, the bottom of the tortilla will be "cooked" with the middle and top will be raw. Now for the tricky bit: place a plate on top of the tortilla and, holding the plate and the pan with a cloth, turn everything over. The partially cooked tortilla will now (hopefully) be in the plate. Return the pan to the heat and simply slide the tortilla back into the pan, so that the raw side is now on the bottom. Cook for a little while longer until it reaches the consistency that you desire.
In Argentina, tortilla is done in one of three ways: completely cooked, slightly moist or undercooked. A very good friend, on honeymoon in Spain, decided to ask for a tortilla undercooked or "babé" to which the waiter replied: "We have tortilla well-done or not well-done". So you choose the cooking consistency that you desire!
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