Friday 5 June 2015

Chicken Roll

This dish has a few steps en route to the final product but they are simple and well worth the effort, especially when the final product is placed on the table.
In effect, this is nothing more than a chicken breast that has been (carefully) beaten flat, about the size of a medium plate. To achieve this effortlessly, place the chicken breast on the (clean) work surface and cover with plastic film and rub a bit of oil on top, to make it slippery. Then, using a heavy object like a kitchen mallet or a heavy-broad-based mug, trike the chicken at an angle, so that your blow glances off it. In this way you run less of a risk of breaking the flesh.
Once the breast is more or less evenly flat, remove the film wrap and season to taste: salt, pepper, herbs, whatever takes your fancy. Now spread a thin layer of moisture over the breast (mayonnaise or mustard or BBQ sauce) about 2cm from the edge.
Next add in hard veggies cut into finger-sized sticks (celery, carrots and fennel work well) and place them in a line along the breast. Next, roll the chicken breast up, making sure to tuck the sides in.
Place the roll on aluminium paper and roll tightly, sealing as best possible. Take this roll and place it in a pot of boiling water for about five minutes.
Remove and allow to cool and then remove the aluminium paper. You will now have a white, stiff chicken roll. In a deep pan with a little oil, fry the chicken roll until crispy and brown on the outside. Cut the roll in the middle, in a diagonal line, and serve with salad.
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