Sunday 22 March 2015

Creative garden spaces

Let's face it, not everyone is lucky enough (or perhaps they don't want to) live on a large property that has plenty of ground space for a garden. That doesn't mean, however, that they can't have a garden. All it takes is a more creative look at space and space management, coupled with some ingenuity and elbow grease.
I'm going to be the first to say this (before my brother and sister make some snide comment), I'm pretty useless with most tools that one might use in the garden. That hasn't, however, stopped me from making myself a few interesting veggie spaces.
Project 1: at the bottom of my garden, there's a shed with the side wall facing the afternoon sun. So I drilled a few holes in the side, attached some plastic gutters, filled them with soil and now I have vertical planting spaces.
Project 2: I took PVC pipes (the kind used to transport water underground), drilled holes in them at regular intervals, filled them with soil, stood them erect and planted lettuce plants in the holes. The lettuce grows off the soil (keeping them clean) while the snails stay away.
Project 3: I took a wood palette, disassembled it, put thick painter's plastic on the inside and then reassembled it, leaving the top and bottom open. I then stood this structure on its thin edge in a 20cm ditch which I filled in so that it could stand, filled it up with soil and then broke the plastic with my finger and planted veggies in the holes. The plants then grow out and up with the roots firmly held in the structure.
Project 4: Back with the PVC pipes. I took all the leftover seeds and stalks and unusable chillies (that I had been preparing to make into a sauce), mixed them with a buck of soil and then filled the PVC pipe with the mixture, capping both ends. Now, as the seeds germinate, they grow towards the sunlight and seek out the holes in the pipe. The pipe itself I mounted on two stages that had gutter holders on them.
Follow me on Instagram: johncavernelis
Check out my Facebook page: Simple Foodies

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