Friday 13 March 2015


This is a South African sausage that is traditionally eaten at a braai (asado / barbecue) and it is the flagship taste from my home country. Needless to say, I only het to eat it when I travel to South Africa.
However, thanks to an ex-student, Jasper Vink, who gave me a boerewors recipe, I now no longer have to wait for a trip to SA. It was, however, with some trepidation, that I embarked on this mission to try and recreate that traditional boerewors taste.
The trip to my local butcher to get 2kg of beef and 1 kg of pork and 500g of fat was the easy part. I then minced the meat up and mixed it thoroughly. It to was added 20g of coriander, 2ml crushed cloves, 2ml ground nutmeg, 5ml freshly ground black pepper and 30g of fine salt. All these spices are then added to the meat and mixed through, after which 100ml of vinegar is added and then the whole thing is left to rest in the fridge (in my case for 24 hours).
The next part was the painful but also pleasing part: getting the meat into the sausage casings. I used a large funnel with a thick spout, onto which I threaded all the casings (about three meters) and then gradually pressed the meat into the funnel and into the casings.
The labour aside, this has been an amazing experience ... and the taste took me straight back home to a family braai.
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