Tuesday 17 March 2015

Pears in red wine

This is a really simple to make dessert with the wow factor thrown in as a bonus.
Select pears that are firm as they will have to boil for quite a while. Peel the pears, making sure to leave the stems.
In a pot, add a bottle of red wine (hint: use the cheaper stuff) to which you need to add anywhere between one and a half to two cups of sugar. Ground cinnamon and/or stick cinnamon, a few cloves, the rind of a lemon and a half teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper. Heat until the sugar is dissolved and add the pears, standing if possible. Boil until the pears are soft. Remove the fruit from the mixture and continue to boil the liquid until it reduces to a thickish, sticky sauce.
Serve the pears on individual plates, coated with the syrup and a dollop of cream or ice cream.
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