Monday 16 March 2015

Garlic bread

For some or other reason, I always have bread (French loaf) left over after an asado and I'm loathe to throw it away. So I store it in the freezer and the I use it to make garlic bread.
Simply allow the bread to defrost, slice up, keeping the slices in order as you will be "reassembling" the bread again.
Now crush a clove or two of garlic with some coarse salt to which you add soft butter and mix well.
Next, butter each of the slices of your French loaf with this garlic butter, still keeping them in the correct sequence. Once done, wrap the bread up in tin foil and place on the parrilla (grill) while you are cooking your meat, making sure to turn it over once in a while. Soon the butter will be melted and the bread will be warm and toasted and it will be the perfect starter.
Variations to butter are lemon and herbs.
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