Sunday 22 March 2015


This is a traditional Berber dish of semolina which is cooked by steaming and it can be eaten both hot and cold, alone or accompanied by a variety of add-ins.
My family's preferred way of eating couscous is as a cold salad.
Measure out the same amount of dry couscous as water (one cup of water to one cup of couscous). Bring the water to the boil with some salt added in. Turn the heat off, add in the dry couscous, stir and leave for about five to ten minutes. During this time the couscous will absorb all the water and be perfectly cooked. To separate the grains, add a small knob of butter and stir. Allow to cool.
Meanwhile, finely chop up whatever veggies you'd like to add into your salad, making sure that everything is really finely chopped. Onions, spring onions, carrots, celery, coriander / cilantro work well but feel free to experiment with other hard veggies too. Stir this into the cooled couscous and you're ready to go.
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