Saturday 21 March 2015

Lemon chicken

This is one of those dishes you will always come back to since it is so easy to make and the variables are almost endless, so that it simply reinvents itself every time.
My kids love this and with minor changes to the dish I keep them guessing.
Start off with some chicken breasts, cleaned of course. Flip each of the breasts over and cut away the loose, flappy bit (which you can accumulate and store in the freezer for a stir fry later on). Now turn the breast back over and filet into two or three fillets (depending on how thick you like the chicken).
Once you have all the breasts filleted, salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle some sweet paprika on it. This will give the fried fillet a lovely colour (and taste).
In a pan, add some butter and, when melted, add the fillets. As the chicken is frying, add the juice of half to whole lemon and continue to cook on both sides until the chicken takes on a brown colour.
Variations that work well are: orange instead of lemon, a drizzle of honey, some balsamic vinegar.
Follow me on Instagram: johncavernelis
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