Sunday 22 March 2015

Winter garden

This post isn't about food as such and yet at the same time it is exactly about food. It's about keeping your own garden and how you can harvest the entire year and use your own produce in your kitchen.
Today is the second day of autumn (in Argentina - Southern Hemisphere). It is also bright and hot and part of a four-day weekend. So there was really no excuse for me to get into my 4m x 3m veggie patch, pull up the weeds and leftover plants from summer, till the soil and so make a start to my winter garden.
For the type of climate we have here in Buenos Aires in autumn and winter, I've opted for the following veggies (I must confess that I had to Google many of these to find the English name):
chard / acelga              chili / aji picante
chicory / achicora        peas / arveja
onions / cebolla           spinach / espinaca
lima beans / haba         lettuce / lechuga
parsley / perejil            leeks / puerro
radish / rabanito           beetroot / remolacha
cabbage / repollo          carrots / zanahoria
Watch this space ...
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