Friday 9 January 2015


Baking bread must be one of the most satisfying and gratifying things to make. And it's simple too, despite what most people may think.
Take a cube of yeast or a small packet of dry yeast, empty it into a small bowl, add two teaspoons of sugar and half a cup of warm water. Stir and let proof for about twenty minutes and it should look something like this:
Now take about half a packet of flour, add some salt and olive oil, add in the yeast mixture and mix it with your hand. Initially the mixture will be dry and stringy ... simply add more warm water, a little at a time, until you get a homogeneous mixture that is slightly sticky. Remove from bowl and knead on your work surface for a few minutes. Return to the bowl, cover with plastic wrap (or a cloth) and leave in a dark warm place for about an hour.
The dough would easily have doubled in size. Flatten it with your hand and then shape it as you wish (ball, smaller balls, long French loaf style, in a bread pan, Pyrex dish ... whatever) and leave to proof again for an hour. Then bake until the inside is dry.
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