Wednesday 14 January 2015

Tarta / Pie / Quiche

As I sat down to write this post I found myself at sea as to what to call it. I have never made this while I lived in South Africa but instead came to learn to make it here, in Argentina. So I only know this dish as tarta. But it is, by definition a pie and I suppose a quiche will do also, and you may call it what you like. It still remains easy and quick to make, with loads of variations which will always keep your audience happy.
I'm not going to pretend to make the base as it's shop bought. Butter a pie dish and place the base in it, accommodating it neatly so that all the air bubbles are out. Now puncture the entire surface and sides with a fork before baking it i the oven until almost cooked.
Meanwhile, prepare the filling. Here you can be as simple or as creative as you like:
For this blog, I've made two dishes: ham and cheese (classic Argentina) and a tuna pie.
For the ham and cheese, I cut up some ham (in this case three different types as it was all I had!), grated two different types of cheese and set it all aside. For the tuna, I cut up a few spring onions, added garlic and diced green peppers and stir fried that until done. Then I added a can of drained tuna and paprika for colour and flavour. In a separate bowl, I beat four eggs, added some cream as well as cream cheese and a fist full of grated cheese. This will serve as the combining agent for both pies. Then pour half the mixture with the ham and cheese and the other half with the tuna. Mix well and pour each mixture into its respective baked pie dish and bake until firm.
Follow me on Instagram: johncavernelis
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