Sunday 18 January 2015


I'm proud to say that my kids rarely, if ever, eat burgers. And when they do, then it is usually made by me. With good, quality, fat-free minced meat and all the herbs and spices needed to make the eating of this "fast food" a memorable experience. Oh, and a healthy one too.
So today I'm going to share my burger recipe with you as well as the way I chose to cook it.
First of all, buy good, lean, minced meat (easy enough to spot as it is almost totally red or uniform in colour - the pale/white specks in the mince is fat or other bits and pieces). I used 500g of mince which made a dozen burgers.
Place the mince in a bowl, add one small onion, finely diced, salt to taste, pepper, an egg, some ketchup and a dash of BBQ sauce. Finely chop a fist full of cilantro / coriander and add to the mixture. Lastly, take a few slices of bread and break it up as small as you can and add it to the mixture so that you get a drier mixture.
Break up into twelve (or whatever number you desire) equal pieces, shape into balls and then flatten out to about 2cm thick.
And the last secret that I did (today - I don't always do this) was to cook the burgers on the parrilla (barbecue/braai). In that way there is no fat involved.
The burgers were then served with any (all) of the following: lettuce, tomato, cilantro, basil.
Follow me on Instagram: johncavernelis
Check out my Facebook page: Simple Foodies

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