Thursday 15 January 2015

Fig jam

When I set off this morning to my local veggie store to buy fresh produce to cook lunch (and subsequently post on Simple Foodies) I had no intention of making fig jam. But the owner, Nico, gave me a box of figs that he couldn't sell as they were over ripe and asked whether I could possibly use them. Of course I could, and so this post was born.
Making any kind of jam isn't particularly difficult, especially if the fruit is as over ripe as my figs were. Peel them (mine literally fell apart), place in a pot (heavy base is better), add sugar (half the weight of the fruit is a good starting point) and water. Then boil slowly, stirring frequently until the water evaporates and your mixture becomes thick and sticky (anything from about 40 to 60 minutes). If you've used good solid fruit, you may want to mash it up a bit at this stage so that you don't have lumpy bits. Yo
u decide how you want your jam to be. Allow to cool, place in clean jars and refrigerate. Enjoy.
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