Friday 9 January 2015


Here's a simple recipe to make for your starter meal of the day and the greatest thing about it is that it will last you for several breakfasts ...
Add the following ingredients to a big mixing bowl:
box of corn flakes, roughly crushed by hand
packet of oats
nuts, roughly broken or chopped
a cup to a cup and a half of juice (whatever takes your fancy)
Mix this through until most of the ingredients are wet / moist / soggy. Spread out onto an oven tray and bake. Be sure to remove from the oven every few minutes so as to prevent burning. As the mixture dries out and toasts at the same time, it will start to be crumbly and take on a golden colour. Just before it is totally done, pour honey over the mixture and bake one last time. This time be super careful as the honey will stick to the base of your baking tray. Remove from oven and allow to cool properly before storing in an airtight container. East with fresh fruit and natural yogurt.
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