Friday 23 January 2015

Eggs (cont)

After yesterday's post I was reminded of a recipe I used to cook my dad when I was only a boy. It was my stock, quick recipe for lunchtime during the school holidays (when cooking for my dad and I became my responsibility). I must have fed him more French toast than any human should endure. Thanks Dad for never complaining and for allowing me to experiment from such an early age.
So for French toast, you will need eggs, herbs of choice (dried or fresh), salt and pepper and then experiment with chilies for a bit of heat.
Beat the eggs in a bowl, add whatever spices you like (oregano, parsley, marjoram were always my favourites) as well as salt and coarsely ground black pepper. Now take your bread (if it is slightly stale, all the better, as it won't fall apart when moist with the egg) and dip it into the egg mixture, turn over and do the other side. Then place that soggy bead into a pan and fry lightly on both sides. And voila, you have French toast.
At this stage, I have been coerced by my nephew's girlfriend, Tina, to include her stock egg recipe, called "egg in a hole" and which she claims was invented by her granny (mmmm????). Anyway, as the name suggest, take a piece of bread and cut a hole in the center (I used a cookie cutter) and place it in a pan and crack an egg in the middle. Add whatever condiments you desire. You may also decide to flip the toast over. And voila, egg in a hole. Thanks Tina and Tina's granny.
Follow me on Instagram: johncavernelis
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