Tuesday 20 January 2015

Pumpkin / butternut soup

This is a truly versatile recipe that is easy to make, it never fails and can be tweaked to become something different every time. It's rick and thick and warming, just what a soup should be. Oh yes, and very tasty too.
Take one large onion and dice it up as you like (as we'll blend the final product anyway). Add the onion to a pot with a clove of garlic, cut. Add a good knob of butter and cook the onions and garlic for about three to four minutes. Now add three big potatoes that have been peeled and cut up as well as half a butternut or a few pieces of peeled pumpkin. To this mixture, add a vegetable stock cube that has been diluted in a cup of boiling water. Add more water to cover the veggies. Boil until everything is soft. By way of flavour, add tarragon or rosemary or, as I did today, half a teaspoon of dried cumin. Once everything is soft, blend until you have a thick, homogeneous soup. Return to the pot and boil for another two minutes, adding milk to achieve the consistency desired (or water if you don't want a thick creamy soup.
Serve with dollop of cream accompanied by fresh bread!
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