Wednesday 14 January 2015

Macaroni and Cheese

When you have kids (or when you don't), pasta is always a winner. And none more so than mac and cheese. This is the basic recipe and it's really simple to make. Variations include adding crispy bacon, ham, braised onions and tomatoes.
Cook your macaroni to that point just before it's done. Drain and rinse under cold water to stop the cooking process.
Meanwhile, make your white sauce. I use about three teaspoons of corn flour (Maizena) diluted in a cup of cold milk. I also like to add some paprika (or pimenton dulce if you don't want the bite). Add the milk solution and a knob of butter to a saucepan and heat gently while stiring constantly. The mixture will thicken up quickly. Keep stirring and slowly add more milk until your sauce is the consistency you desire. Remove from the heat and add in copious amounts of grated cheese. Combine sauce with pasta in an oven-proof bowl and bake for about ten minutes. Now add the last bit of grated cheese to the top and place under the grill for a further few minutes. Enjoy!!!
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