Thursday 22 January 2015

Eggs and omelettes

Eggs find their way into so many of the things we cook daily but for today's post, I'd like to concentrate on their use in the making of an omelette.
By definition, an omelette is dish made from beaten eggs that are cooked rapidly with butter or oil in a frying pan. Now let's be real: that sounds boring. Omelettes are much more due to the extra thing
s we add into them.
In a bowl, crack three eggs and beat lightly. Add in salt and black pepper to taste. Also add half a teaspoon of baking powder (to make it light and fluffy) as well as a quarter teaspoon of ground cumin or ground chili for heat and flavour. Next add in any or all of the following, all of which are chopped finely: parsley, onions, peppers.
In a pan, add a knob of butter and when the butter melts, pour in the egg mixture and allow to cook for a few seconds. Then, using a spatula, start pulling the egg away from the edges toward the middle, repeating this process until all the liquid part of the mixture is  gone. Your omelette is now one step away from being cooked and here comes your moment of choice: you can finish your omelette off like a chef or not. The first is slightly more complicated and takes practice. The second method is a "cheat" but works for us "non chefs".
Chef method: holding the pan at the handle with one hand and tilting it slightly, gently beat the edge of the handle with your other hand and the omelette will slide up the side of the pan and eventually flip over onto itself. Then repeat this process for the other part and you'll have a perfectly formed omelette.
Cheat method: (this works if the omelette is too thick for the above method to work effectively) Take a plate that fits inside you pan and place it over the omelette. Put one hand on the plate while the other holds the pan. Now rotate both your hands at the same time and in the same direction so that the omelette ends up in the plate. Then simply slide it back into the pan and it'll cook on the other side. Then your omelette will fold easier.
Check out my Facebook page: Simple Foodies

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