Monday 19 January 2015

Colita al horno (oven roast meat)

When I embarked on the writing of this post, I first had to look up what a colita de cuadril was. It is, according to various sources, Wikipedia included, called tri-tip and you should take the time to read up (as I had to) how it is called around the world. In a nutshell, however, it is an amazing cut of meat for its versatility, taste and ease of use. For the purposes of today's post, I will be preparing it in the oven, with potatoes and butternut to accompany it as a meal.
When bought whole, it usually has a layer of fat around it that needs to be cut away to expose the meat. By way of seasoning, I crushed two cloves of garlic, with a little course salt and a few sprigs of rosemary in my mortar and pestle and then added a bit of olive oil to make a thick paste. Then, using my hand, I rubbed this paste over the meat as well as over the peeled potatoes.
I cut the butternut into big pieces, removed the seeds but left the skin on and then added a sprinkle of olive oil on
the inside as well as a knob of butter.
All three components (meat, potatoes and butternut) were then placed in an ove
n roasting dish with about 2cm of water. The whol
e dish was then covered with aluminium tin foil and sealed tightly so as to create a sort of convection oven on the inside. I allowed the meat and veggies to cook inside the foil for about 50 to 60 minutes, after which I removed the aluminium and allowed the contents to crisp up in the oven for a further 10 to 15 minutes.
Optional: removed the meat and veggies and arrange on a serving dish. To the remaining liquid in the roasting pan, add some flour or corn starch (Maizena) to make a thick gravy to accompany the meat.
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