Monday 12 January 2015


This is an easy-to-make dish that can be used as a starter or as a main dish. It can be eaten both hot or cold and is amazing as leftovers!
Take two or three potatoes, peel and cut up into small cubes. Deep fry until crispy and allow to drain on kitchen paper.Dice an onion as finely as possible as well as a clove of garlic and fry lightly in some butter. Combine fried potatoes, eggs, garlic with eggs (about six) as well as a hefty amount of chopped parsley. Pour this mixture into a non-stick pan and prepare like an omelette, pulling the egg mixture away from the side as it cooks. Repeat this process until all the liquid has been absorbed. The next part is tricky: place a plate on top of the cooked egg so that it fills the pan. Place your hand on the plate and in one swift movement, flip the pan/plate over so that the tortilla is now on the plate. Then slide the tortilla back into the pan (with the less cooked side at the bottom) and cook some more.
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